DB2 Express-C 9.7.5 兼容 Oracle?
22 Nov 2011已经有一年多没有用过DB2了,没想到新版本的DB2还是很强嘛,有时间可以试用一下,呵呵
免费的 IBM DB2 Express-C 数据库发布了 9.7.5 版本,该版本最值得关注的是兼容 Oracle 特性,包括支持 PL/SQL, CLP+, 数据类型, 语法等等.
Enhancements for migrating SQL C applications from other database systems
Support for nested array and row types
New HexToRaw, NVL2, and SubStr2 functions and enhancements to other functions
Additional diagnostic options for various commands