红雪更新iOS5越狱工具,redsn0w 0.9.10b2
28 Dec 2011The b2 version of redsn0w includes the launchctl-related fix by @planetbeing as mentioned by @saurik here and here. As usual, you can just re-run redsn0w in jailbreak mode over your existing 5.0.1 jailbreak (even a PwnageTool one), making sure to de-select “Install Cydia” if you do. Always be sure to do a controlled “slide to power off” shutdown of your device before running redsn0w.
Here are the redsn0w download links(要FQ):
redsn0w 0.9.10b2 for Windows (be sure to run in Administrator mode)
红雪更新iOS5越狱工具,redsn0w 0.9.10b2,更新的很快,我看还是有很多BUG的还是再等等吧