红雪iOS5越狱工具再升级,redsn0w 0.9.10b3

The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again.  Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).

redsn0w 0.9.10b3 再次更新,此次更新是一个修正版本,主要解决由于重复越狱引起的基于Mobile Substrate的一些应用不能使用的问题,现在可以重新用b3覆盖越狱,记得不要勾选Install Cydia选项就行。

Here are the redsn0w download links(要FQ):<!-- more -->
